Operation Wonderland_Secret Affairs, Acrylic on wood, 30 x 50 cm
Operations Wonderland-Designation, Acrylic on wood
Operation Wonderland-Balloon, Acrílic on wood, 26 x 50 cm
Vertigo II (Moonscapes), Acrylic and chrome paint on wood
Rouge, Acrylic and spray paint, wood objects, on wood, 30 x 60 cm
Rayuela, mirando-Hopscotch, watching over, 80 x 100 cm
Winter saga, Mohács/ Cuentos del invierno, Mohács (acrylic on wood, 26 x 40 cm)
Revelation, Acrylic and chrome paint on wood, 15 x 15 cm
Inception (acrylic on wood, 26 x 40 cm)
Alex Talpa & Casimir Gator, Acrylic on wood, 30 x 50 cm
Operation Wonderland_Rabbit in Haste, Acrylic and gouache on wood
Globe Trotters, Acrylic and chrome paint on wood
Dolmen I, Acrylic on wood, 50 x 100 cm
Rouge, Acrylic and spray paint, wood objects, on wood, 30 x 60 cm
The Curious Couple_Catch 22, Acrylic and gouache on wood, 50 x 60 cm
Winter saga II, Mohács/Cuentos del invierno, Mohács (Acrylic on wood, 26 x 40 cm)
Icarus contemplating, Acrylic and chrome paint on wood, 38 x 50 cm
Icarus contemplating, Acrylic and chrome paint on wood, 38 x 50 cm
Orchestra Casimir Gators, Acrylic on wood, 60 x 70 cm
Operation Wonderland_A Cup of Tea
Graf Zeppelin-Adventures of Talpa and Gator, Acrylic on wood panels
Dolmen II, acrylic on wood, 50 x 100 cm
Rouge, Acrylic and spray paint, wood objects, on wood, 30 x 60 cm
Vertigo (The Curious Couple) Acrylic, chrome paint on wood
Vertigo I (Acrylic and chrome paint on wood
Icarus, flying, Acrylic and chrome paint on wood panels,40 x 50 cm
Specters of the highlands, Acrylic and chrome paint on wood panels

Copyright I Viktoria Villanyi I 2023